Methodological notes

Edison’s sustainability report is prepared in accordance with the G4 edition (published in May 2013) of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) reporting guidelines and includes the indicators provided for by the “Electric Utilities” and “Oil & Natural Gas” sector supplements.

The materiality analysis, which is described on page 27, has led to the definition of the issues covered in this report and their respective boundaries.

In accordance with the GRI-G4 guidelines, Edison’s material aspects have been correlated with the respective aspects covered by G4 “Specific Standard Disclosure”, selecting those that best reflect the results of the analysis. The boundaries of the impacts that could arise both within and outside Edison have been defined for each aspect.

Priorities have been set for each of the aspects, taking into account both the materiality of the economic, environmental and social impacts of the various business activities within the organisation and their substantial influence on the opinions and decisions of external stakeholders.

Based on the current coverage of the Specific Standard Disclosure indicators associated with the material aspects, Edison states that its compliance with the GRI-G4 standard is “In accordance” – “Core” level.


  • E.A. - Energy Asset: Power Asset; Power International; Energy Management
  • H.A. - Hydrocarbon Asset: Exploration e Production; Gas International e Management; Gas regulated asset
  • M.E.S. - Marketing Sales & Energy Services
  • E.S.M. - Energy Services Market


  Boundary Boundary limitations
Material aspects Materiality within the organisation Materiality outside the organisation Materiality within the organisation Materiality outside the organisation
Stakeholder engagement Edison Spa - - -
Occupational Health and Safety Edison Spa - - -
Market Presence including Local Content H.A. - - -
Access E.A., H.A. - - -
Local communities Edison Spa - - -
Diversity and equal opportunity Edison Spa - - -
Research and development Edison Spa - - -
Economic performance Edison Spa EDF, Regulator, Customers - -
Governance Edison Spa - - -
Ethics and integrity Edison Spa - - -
Emissions Edison Spa - - -
System Efficiency E.S.M. Customers - -
Training and education Edison Spa - - -
Product and service labelling M.E.S. Customers - -
Marketing communications M.E.S. Agencies and commercial intermediaries - The reporting scope does not include agencies and commercial intermediaries
Energy H.A. Customers - -


Reporting process and scope

The data and information in this report refer to the Group’s performance in the year ended 31 December 2016 (with the exception of certain significant qualitative information referring to the first few months of 2017).

The heads of Edison’s various departments gathered and consolidated the data and information by extracting it from company information systems, invoices and internal and external reporting, under the coordination of the Sustainability and CSR Office (Corporate Social Responsibility) department.

The reporting standards and scope are those used in the consolidated financial statements, except where indicated otherwise.

In particular, since 1 April 2016, following its acquisition, Fenice Qualità per l’Ambiente Spa has been included in Edison Spa’s reporting scope. Accordingly, all data and information in the report also include Fenice, which was considered for nine months (from 1 April to 31 December 2016). Specific indication is provided in cases where Fenice was considered for all 12 months of 2016 and where, instead, its performance is not included in the data. Consequently, the comparison of 2014 and 2015 data with 2016 data is affected by this change in the reporting scope.

Since 1 January 2014, Edison has applied the consolidation criteria of IFRS 11.


As was the case in previous years, the 2016 Sustainability Report was audited by independent auditors to provide our stakeholders with the assurance that the information it contains is accurate and reliable.

The audit was performed in accordance with the procedures described in the “Independent auditors’ report on the Sustainability Report”, presented at the end of this report.

Lastly, this report was made available during the shareholders’ meeting held on 30 March 2017.